Estatutos e Regulamentos
Hiking & Cycling Groups
If you desire to experience the ultimate outdoor adventure, our hiking & cycling group provides the perfect opportunity.
Swimming Group
Indoor Sports Group
Conveniently located Indoor Sports Facilities. Join Table Tennis, Badminton, Pickleball or Yoga groups.
Team Sports Group
Would you like to join soccer, football, basketball or other popular sports? We are waiting for you.
Kids Sports Group
It is our mission to keep kids health by teaching them basic skills and fundamentals through sports.
KNX Portugal
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We believe that in everything we do, it is an active part
of social, cultural and environmental change.
We touch dozens of lives of everyday people making real differences to people’s physical, mental and emotional health. Here are a few stats:
We are grateful to our awesome sponsors. Thank you!

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KNX – A norma internacional para o controlo residências e edifícios.